Saturday, November 14, 2009

SESAME Street, home of Big Bird and Elmo, has celebrated its 40th anniversary as the longest running children's show on US television.( Nov.2009)

Seseme Street had just been on the air for less than a year when Mike was born.  I was a new stay at home mom with a very colicky baby and found that even at a very young age, Mike loved to watch TV.  When Seseme Street would come on I would put him in his bouncy chair in front of the TV for a short time.  He grew up knowing all the characters well.  His favorite, at least for awhile, was Big Bird.  My folks came down for his 2nd birthday and bought him a Big Bird which came in a box.    He loved the gift (and his grandparents) but he loved the box too.  Here is a picture of him and Big Bird in the box (covered up with a towel by my mom).

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