Sunday, August 23, 2009

Watch out for those sneaky screen doors!!

There are things that happen that make you laugh while they are happening and then you forget them. Then there are things that make you laugh when they happen and every time you think about them. We have one story that we tell that makes us laugh and laugh no matter how many times we tell it. (Well, we laugh and laugh - I'm not too sure how much laughing Mike does.) In May, 1984 we took Brent and Mike on a summer vacation that started in San Diego. Jim had to work and was involved in softball but joined us later in Pasadena. In San Diego we stayed at a hotel that overlooked Mission Bay. The view from the patio was beautiful of both Mission Bay and of the ocean. As we checked in to the room and saw the view, Mike rushed to the patio in excitement about seeing the bay and the ocean. There was just one problem. The patio had a screen door and Mike crashed right through it! Sid told him to slow down, etc. and the rest of us hid our smile. We went out and had a busy day. Upon returning Mike once again rushed to the patio and once again crashed through the screen door. This time it came off in his hands. He turned around to us holding the screen door with a look of terror on his face. By this time I am laughing so hard I had to hide in the bathroom and Brent joined me. Sid mumbled again about Mike slowing down then he cracked up laughing. Mike had little screen door mesh figures on the tip of his red nose. This picture is of Mike (behind the pole) and me sitting by the pool and in the background you can see our hotel room on the top floor. I am laughing again just sitting here writing this story.

1 comment:

  1. I don't remember this happening at all. I think you have completed your journey to senility.
